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You cannot die of hunger or thirst, but you can surely die of boredom.One way to stave off boredom is to simply learn something new. There are plenty of websites out there that will teach you just about anything, from the 37 best websites on the internet to how to play guitar without making a sound — and all for free. So, if you're feeling an itch in your brain and want to scratch it, check out these sites:
Website: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih..com/sites/468858.. Website: http://www.elitetraining.net/Website: http://www.thegreatquizsite.com/quizaBoredom.pdfWebsite: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/639150..Website: http://mediumblog.co/blogger-thrives-in-boredom-n..html#_ga=1.. Website: https://www.quora.com/When-do-you-need-to-unpl..Website: http://www.101solutions.com/boredomWebsite: http://www.keepcalmandreadblog.com/articles/boredom/ Harvard Kennedy School of Government, Mastermind Press, Boston, Mass.: 9781566664212 2011. The Boring Book of Lists., The Boring Book Of Lists., "The Boring Book of Lists", "The boring list", ISBN 9781566664212 2011. https://archive.org/details/theboring_co_harr.. O'Reilly Media, Inc., "The Boring Book of Lists", "The Boring Book" (Hardcover), ISBN 1449396402 2017. https://archive.org/details/chuckmorseth_boring_b.. Onomatopoeia Press, 9781566666384 2013. The Boring List of Lists., The Boring List Of Lists., "The Boring List of Lists", "The boring list", ISBN 9781566666384 2013. https://archive.org/details/theboringlistoflists.. Website: http://www.prappleofthewoods. com/Website: http://www.theborelist.com/Website: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/bored-widows-cba.. TLC Network, "Bored to Death", Season 1 Episode 9 - "The Deep", air date 2011–09–22 https://archive.org/details/tlc_20110922_010000_.. Paul Owen, "Bored with life? Here are 10 ways to make it more exciting", i100, Sunday 18 January 2015 21:30 UTC https://www.quora.
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